THe theSis prize

Since 2005, a prize has been awarded for a thesis in the social sciences or humanities on the history of the slave trade, slavery and abolition in the colonial era or its consequences in today's world.

Created by the National Committee for the Memory of Slavery (CNMHE), this prize is now awarded by the Foundation for the Remembrance of Slavery, by a jury composed of members of the Foundation's Academic Board.

The theses submitted may adopt different approaches (theoretical, empirical, comparative or methodological) and come from one or more disciplines in the field of the human and social sciences (history, law, political science, economics, archaeology, anthropology, literature, art, philosophy, etc.).

In this way, work bridging history, anthropology and the history of law have been rewarded. The Foundation is vigilant about remaining open to all research disciplines for a field as vast as the worldwide history of slavery.

The thesis prize is €7,000 part of which is contingent on publication.

See the rules for the 2021 thesis prize (In French)



Maxime Toutain has a Ph.D. ins social and historical anthropology from the University of Toulouse 2 -Jean Jaurès. His work focuses on memories of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and slavery in the Spanish-speaking world, and in the anthropology of religion in Cuba.Maxime Toutain has a Ph.D. ins social and historical anthropology from the University of Toulouse 2 -Jean Jaurès. His work focuses on memories of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and slavery in the Spanish-speaking world, and in the anthropology of religion in Cuba.
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2017 awarded in 2019

Gildas Bi KAKOU, La Côte des Quaqua dans la traite négrière atlantique du XVIIIe au XIXe siècle (The Quaqua Coast in the 18th to 19th Century Atlantic Slave Trade, thesis in History and Civilizations); Advisors: Guy Saupin and Aka Kouamé, University of Nantes and Félix Houphouët-Boigny University (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire), 2017.
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2017 awarded in 2018

Rafaël THIEBAUT, The Slave Trade and Dutch and French Trade in Madagascar (17th-18th Centuries), thesis in History; Advisors: Bertrand Hirsch and Ulbe Bosma, University Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Paris, France), 2017.
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2017 Honorable mention from the jury

Michel ERDELPING, Le droit international antiesclavagiste des nations civilisées (1815-1945) (Civilized Nations’ International Anti-Slavery Laws: 1815-1945), thesis in Law; Advisor: Emmanuelle Jouannet, Université́ Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France), 2017.
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2016 awarded in 2017

Jean Ronald AUGUSTIN,Memory of slavery in Haiti. (Entrecroisement des mémoires et enjeux de la patrimonialisation), thesis in Ethnology and Cultural Heritage; Advisor: Laurier Turgeon, Université de Laval (Laval, Quebec), 2016.
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2015 awarded in 2016

Klara BOYER-ROSSOL,Between the Two Banks of the Mozambique Channel: History and Memories of the Makoa of Western Madagascar. 19th-20th centuries, thesis in History of Africa; Advisors: Faranirina V. Rajaonah and Gabriel Andriamiarintsoa Rantoandro, Paris Diderot University (Paris, France), 2015.
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2014 awarded in 2015

Marie HARDY,Le monde du café à la Martinique du début du XVIIIe siècle aux années 1860 (The World of Coffee in Martinique from the Early 18th Century to the 1860s), thesis in History; Advisor: Danielle Begot, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, (Martinique, France), 2014.
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Délide JOSEPH, Genèse d'une idée avantageuse d'Haïti: Sociohistoire de l'engagement des intellectuels haïtiens, 1801-1860 (Genesis of an Advantageous Idea of Haiti: Socio-History of Haitian Intellectuals’ Commitment), thesis in History and Civilizations; Advisor: Myriam Cottias, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France), 2014.
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2013 awarded in 2014

Manuel COVO, Commerce, Empire and Revolutions in the Atlantic World. La colonie de Saint-Domingue entre métropole et Etats-Unis ca.1778-ca.1804, thesis in History; Advisor: François Weil, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France), 2013.
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2012 awarded in 2013

Renaud HOURCADE, La mémoire de l'esclavage dans les anciens ports négriers européens. Une sociologie des politiques mémorielles à Nantes, Bordeaux et Liverpool, (Memories of Slavery in European Former Slave-Trading Ports: Sociology of Memorial Policies in Nantes, Bordeaux and Liverpool) thesis in Political Science; Advisor: Christian Le Bart, Université Rennes I (Rennes, France), 2012.
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2011 awarded in 2012

Céline FLORY, La liberté forcée: politiques impériales et expériences de travail dans l'Atlantique du XIXe siècle (Forced Freedom: Imperial Policies and Work Experiences in the 19th-Century Atlantic), thesis in History and Civilizations; Advisor: Myriam Cottias, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France), 2011.
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2009 awarded in 2011

Frédéric CHARLIN, Homo servilis: Contribution to the Study of the Legal Status of the slave in the French colonies (1635-1848), thesis in Law; Advisor: Martial Mathieu, Université Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble 2) (Grenoble, France), 2009.
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Alejandro Enrique GOMEZ, The Santo Domingo Syndrome: Perceptions and Representations of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1790-1886, thesis in History and Civilizations; Advisor: Frédérique Langue, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France), 2010.
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2009 awarded in 2010

Jean MOOMOU, Les Boni de l'âge d'or et du grand "takari " (1860-1969): temps de crise et temps d'espoir (The Boni of the Golden Age and of the Great “Takari” (1860-1969): A Time of crisis, A Time of Hope), thesis in History and Civilizations; Advisors: Bernard Vincent and Myriam Cottias, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France), 2009.
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2009 – No prize awarded

2006 awarded in 2008

Natacha BONNET, Seigneurs et planters entre Ouest Atlantique et Antilles: quatre familles du XVIIIe siècle (Lords and Planters between the West Atlantic and the Antilles: Four 18th-Century Families), thesis in History; Advisor: Guy Saupin, University of Nantes (Nantes, France), 2006.
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Antonio de ALMEIDA MENDES, Esclavages et traites ibériques entre Méditerranée et Atlantique (XVe-XVIIe siècles): une histoire globale, (Slavery and Iberian Slave Trades between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic (15th-18th Centuries): A Global History), thesis in Histoire et civilisations; Advisor: Bernard Vincent, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France), 2007.
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Audrey CAROTENUTO, Les résistances serviles dans la société coloniale de l'Ile Bourbon (1750-1848), thesis in Espaces, cultures, sociétés, (Servile Resistances in the Isle of Bourbon’s Colonial Society (1750-1848), thesis in Spaces, Cultures, Societies); Advisor: Colette Dubois, University of Aix-Marseille (Aix-en-Provence, France), 2006.
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Hubert GERBEAU, L'esclavage et son ombre: l'île de Bourbon aux XIXe et XXe siècles (Slavery and Its Shadow: The Isle of Bourbon in the 19th and 20th Centuries), thesis in History; Advisor: Gérard Chastagnaret, University of Aix-Marseille (Aix-en-Provence, France), 2005.
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