The Government

Privileged partnership
The Foundation has entered into a privileged partnership with the government in the form of a four-year agreement signed on 15 September 2019 by the Prime Minister of France and the Chairman of the Foundation at a formal ceremony at the Hôtel de Matignon.
The agreement joins 10 different ministries to the Foundation's actions
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Ministry of National Education
- Ministry of Higher Education
- Ministry of Research and Innovation
- Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Communities
- Ministry of Overseas France
- Ministry of Culture

The agreement joins an inter-ministerial delegation to the Foundation's actions
- The Inter-Ministerial Delegation for the Struggle against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Anti-LGBT Hatred, which reports directly to the Prime Minister’s Office