Our goals


Acknowledging France's worldwide history

  • Advancing knowledge about the slave trade and slavery, the resistance they arroused and the fight for their abolition.
  • Developing a shared national narrative.
  • Explaining French diversity.
MG. Benoist Portrait présumé de Madeleine
Radeau de la Méduse


Celebrating legacies

  • Celebrating the wealth of the cultures born of slavery and Creolization.
  • Showing how they have nourished French culture and France's cultural heritage.
  • Promoting contemporary cultural and artistic creations from societies descended from slavery.


Continuing the strugle

  • Promoting the values of the struggle of emancipation in today's society : liberty, equality, fraternity.
  • Fighting against discrimination, racism and prejudice.
  • Fighting against all modern form of slavery.
  • Organizing ceremonies and events.
MG. Benoist Portrait présumé de Madeleine