The digital programme cuts across and reinforces the education, culture and citizenship programmes. But it also has its own projects, which follow up-to-date digital practices and interact with young people.


Collaborative tools and social networks will be mobilized to facilitate governance and cooperation networks for the programmes. Dedicated spaces for teachers, members of the Patrimoines déchainés (Unchained Heritages) cultural network and local authorities and community groups are already under construction.


The Foundation plans to create short-format content, about different topics and using different techniques, that will be appropriate for social media: 

  • A series of videos with personal accounts, interviews, My 3-minute Thesis, and more.
  • Animations and info-graphics explaining the economic, social, cultural and artistic dimensions of the history of slavery.
  • Podcasts that explore the long history of slavery in greater detail, at greater length and including a broader range of territories.
  • Interactive maps.
  • And of course, collaborative projects to be built with our partners and the general public, starting in 2022! 


In 2021, the Foundation will be opening a major portal on the history and memory of slavery. It aims to become the flagship national site for the general public on issues related to slavery, abolition and their legacy in the arts, society, techniques, cultural practices, and more. It will enable the online publication and publicizing of resources for young people: info-graphics, videos, image databases, personal accounts and more.
It will aggregate and select among the numerous resources available line, which can often be hard to find, in a structured and contextualized way.

The portal will host an evolving virtual museum on the history of slavery and its legacies, developed in partnership with national and international institutions.